Ive changed website domain - how do i move license to new domain?

Formidable Forms
27 November, 2020 13:38:34
Topics: 2
Messages: 10
Ive changed website domain - how do i move license to new domain?
27 November, 2020 15:26:24
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419

It seems that domain name was changed without plugin re-activation, so you faced missmatch of License Keys error, as new domain name still had License Key which was connected to old domain name. Usually "Deactivate" and "Activate" plugin must solve the issue if new domain name was not previously in our system.

P.S. When you applied paid License Key, plugin "re-activated" with registering new domain name which fixed the error.

Sorry for inconvenience, we will review the possibility to improve this process to avoid such issues with domain name change.

We remain at your service.
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