MAP formidable fields/e2pdf to external webform

15 April, 2019 07:11:27
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
Is there a way to map the form entry fields from a formidable form on submission to other webpage forms (not controlled by us)? I have the creation of PDFs with e2 PDF in development, but some of the data needs to get from the formidable form to a 3rd party website form using the details from the form. Thanks!
15 April, 2019 07:59:36
Topics: 7
Messages: 3420

Is it correct that you need to send submitted to YOUR Formidable Form data to 3rd party form? If so then it seems the question to amazing Formidable Forms team but as suggestion you can grab submitted data by hooks in Formidable Forms.

One of such hooks is: frm_after_create_entry

Another hooks can be found here:

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15 April, 2019 08:01:33
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
I don't control the 3rd party form. So the mapping seems hard. ie: I need to use the data from the formidable form or the e2PDF to go to another webpage and fill out the data (whose form I don't control)
15 April, 2019 08:05:32
Topics: 7
Messages: 3420
You must grab the data that is submitted (possible via "frm_after_create_entry") and send to remote form. I do not know how remote form is controlled but it must be enough to make simple "POST" request via "Curl" if there are no any "captcha" protection.

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15 April, 2019 08:06:57
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
GThat's great. Thankyou! Ill try to decipher what you mean and give it a go. Thanks for the advice.