Multiple PDFs

Gravity Forms Resolved
31 May, 2019 00:41:10
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
I have a form where one checkbox, opens up "another" form, actually it's one form with hidden fields until checkbox clicked.
But on the end, I would need 2 PDFs.
Is it possible, to show shortcode, or 2nd PDF only if that checkbox is checked?
I don't want people to have 2 PDFs all the time, when other PDF would be empty.
31 May, 2019 01:10:15
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
Sorry for this question, I have figured out way, on my own, I guess people know that. But Gravity has option for non default confirmation and notifications, conditional logic, where I was able to make what I asked for.
31 May, 2019 08:09:19
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419

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