My listing theme and ACF custom fields

29 October, 2020 11:10:48
Topics: 2
Messages: 13

Thank you for this awesome plugin, finally I can design the pdfs manullay with the dag and drop functionnality.

I'm still exploring the plugin, and I'm facing a little issue :

- I'm using the free version of the plugin (We are planning to purchase copies fo many websites)
- I'm using My Listing theme :
- The theme uses a custom post type called job_listing
- I'm using ACF pluginto create custom fields and show them in the job_listing template
- The e2pdf plugin detects the custom post type (I renamed it to Fiches but didn't edit the slug so it remains job_listing) "screenshot 1" and also it detects the ACF custom fields "screenshot 2"

The issue is that I don't see my fields in the mu custom post type when adding the e2pdf plugin shortcode.

Here's what I did :

1- I created a custom post type with the plugin "custom post type ui", I created a custom post type called "Movies"
2- I added an ACF shortcode like this in the value box and the field is showing "screenshot 3 AND 4"

I followed the same steps while selecting my theme custom post type, but nothing shows.

My goal is to show ACF fields on the pdf file of the theme custom post type without adding the post ID and using the plugin meta keys.

I really don't have any idea on what causes this issue.

Please advise;

Thank you
29 October, 2020 12:28:08
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Hi, thank you.

Is it correct that when you are using [e2pdf-download id="1"], where 1 is the ID of E2Pdf Template connected to " job_listing" post type, it doesn't show download link? Are you able to export data directly via "E2Pdf" -> "Export"?

If sohortcode doesn't rendered in front page and just trucnated, we need to check out the compatibility with theme.

- Can you please attach zipped "theme" to next message so we can try to replicate issue on our side with it?
- Attach also please screenshot where you placed "e2pdf-download" shortcode.

P.S. You can mark message "private" so only you and support can see message.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!
29 October, 2020 13:39:02
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Thank you. We got all needed information and now reviewing issue. As soon as we will get some news we will get back to you.

P.S. It could be that theme uses custom own "filters" to process shortcodes inside "post" content and in this case e2pdf can't detect and put correct post id automatically so it requires us to add its filter support.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
29 October, 2020 16:23:42
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Actually you must be able to set page size upon template creation, just vice verse the size of A4 (width and height). (screenshot 1)

For new pages it's possible to set size via "Options" (screenshot 2)

For existing pages it's possible to change size via "Page" options (screenshot 3)

P.S. However be careful with resizing existing pages, plugin will try to resize also fields size in changed page to fit the new size so better to set the size upon E2Pdf Template creation.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
30 October, 2020 11:36:51
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

After reviewing theme it looks like it's possible to use such contruction in shortcode section for dynamic output:

[e2pdf-download id="32" dataset="[[:id]]"]

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
30 October, 2020 15:56:05
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

ACF stores data in array, so you see serialized array a:1..., however you must be able to modify shortcode as follows (if you are not using value:label) to convert it to string:

[meta key="custom-field" implode=", "]

However can you please clarify what do you mean if you select all options, you do not see values? Do you use "e2pdf-html" object? If so than it could be that data inside "html" object doesn't fit and it's truncated completely, if text line can't be transferred to next line. You can try to replace it with "e2pdf-input" field, it must print data and if some data will not fit inside it will just truncate part of it.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!