PDF not longer being generated (no view, preview or download)

Formidable Forms Resolved
1 April, 2020 01:29:56
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
I'm using Formidable to fill out a PDF. Everything was working last week and the PDF was emailed after submitting the form. Now all of a sudden it just stopped working. It won't preview on a page or attach in the email. We tried creating a new form and new template but it didn't work.

I have followed below instruction to change the pdf api server, turn on/off cache, but none of them work
1 April, 2020 17:51:48
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
We just reviewed it and all working like expected with test form but you had mistakes in setup.

1. Test Form [e2pdf-attachment] shortcode had incorrect Template ID and Form has incorrect redirect to page with view that connected to other form.

2. If you setup shortcodes inside Formidable View they must have shortcodes with "dataset" parameter like [e2pdf-view id="2" dataset="[id]"]

P.S. It looks like issues were due PHP errors which were fixed. We didn't notice any unpredictable results.

We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!