pdf output size error

Gravity Forms Resolved
22 September, 2022 03:01:36
Topics: 7
Messages: 16
Hi team,

Since I don't know how long ago, the pdfs that are generated come out with a different size.
All the templates I have have an A4 Portrait size, but when the pdfs are generated they come out with a size of 210mmx210mm
The resulting pdf opened with acrobat reader, shows the cut size in 210x210 mm as shown in the attached images
I don't remember a recent update so I can change something.
Could it be a problem with the server that generates the pdf?

Thank you very much
I look forward to your news

GF: 2.6.7
e2pdf: 1.18.06
WP: 6.0.2
22 September, 2022 03:14:22
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Which settings do you have under "E2Pdf" -> "Settings" -> "PDF Processor"? if it's set to "Release Candidate (For Beta Testers ONLY)", switch it to "Stable" please. It must solve the issue. If not, let us know please, so we can provide you next steps to identify the issue.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
22 September, 2022 03:42:16
Topics: 7
Messages: 16
I had the pfd processor set to "Release Candidate (For Beta Testers ONLY)" and I've already changed it to stable.
This has fixed the issue.
Thank you very much.