PDF won't auto download

Formidable Forms Under Review Bug
26 October, 2020 18:52:34
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
Auto download worked just fine for quite a while and then, out of the blue, it just stopped working. I have auto download checked in the templates them selves, and this is the shortcode that I'm using in Formidable forms on the success page:

[e2pdf-download id="1" dataset="[id]" flatten="1" name="[211], [210] Warranty Certificate" button-title="[211], [210] Warranty Certificate" inline="false" auto="true"]

I didn't change anything that I'm aware of to make it not work anymore. The button link in the shortcode works just fine. It's only the auto download that won't work.
26 October, 2020 19:08:48
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Can you try to submit form in "Private" tab? Popup can be blocked by extensions installed in browser.

If it will not work:
- Which browser do you use?
- Do you have form submitted via ajax? (screenshot attached).

Try to add iframe_download="true" to the shortcode:
[e2pdf-download id="1" dataset="[id]" flatten="1" name="[211], [210] Warranty Certificate" button-title="[211], [210] Warranty Certificate" inline="false" auto="true" iframe_download="true"]

Will it work in this case?

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
26 October, 2020 19:28:22
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
I'm using Chrome, though I've tried other browsers and all have the same issue. A private window doesn't solve the problem.

Yes, the form is being submitted with ajax.

However, adding iframe_download="true" seemed to fix the problem!
27 October, 2020 14:58:05
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Thank you for letting us know. Issue appears due the submission form via ajax. We will fix this issue to avoid adding "iframe_download" attribute.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!