Promotion & old price

14 May, 2020 09:42:14
Topics: 2
Messages: 10

I am trying to create such a condition in the plugin but I fail. Does anyone have an idea or is it possible to implement? Do you need to create a second template? Information in attachment.
14 May, 2020 10:58:16
Topics: 7
Messages: 3439

As a solution it can be used "HTML" object with value "<strike>Old Price</strike>". Another solution that you can try to implement is to use "Signature" object with old price value and over "Signature" cross out image. Screenshots attached.

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14 May, 2020 13:33:05
Topics: 2
Messages: 10
Hello. I don't think I got it well understood. I mean how to make the condition of events that I presented.I use meta_calue to get this price.
14 May, 2020 14:25:32
Topics: 7
Messages: 3439
Please clarify some information:

1. Which shortcode do you use to output old price (which must be crossed out)?
2. Which shortcode do you use to output current price if old price not set?
3. Which shortcode do you use to output current price if old price is set?

We remain at your service.

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19 May, 2020 16:22:07
Topics: 2
Messages: 10
1. [e2pdf-format-number thousands_sep=" "][meta key="car_price"][/e2pdf-format-number] <div class="currency">zł</div>
2. [e2pdf-format-number thousands_sep=" "][meta key="car_price"][/e2pdf-format-number] <div class="currency">zł</div>
3. [e2pdf-format-number thousands_sep=" "][meta key="car_price_promotion"][/e2pdf-format-number] <div class="currency">zł</div>
20 May, 2020 07:01:37
Topics: 7
Messages: 3439
If we understand correctly, conditions must look like this:

It must be created 2 HTML elements.

As example:

For promotion price it must be (screenshot 1):

Value: <strike>[e2pdf-format-number thousands_sep=" "][meta key="car_price"][/e2pdf-format-number] zł</strike>

Condition must hide this field if promotion price not set:

Action: Hide
If: [meta key="car_price_promotion"]
If Condition: =
If Value:

For regular price it must be (screenshot 2):

Value: [e2pdf-format-number thousands_sep=" "][meta key="car_price"][/e2pdf-format-number] zł

Condition must change value to promotion price if set:

Action: Change
Property: Value
Change: [e2pdf-format-number thousands_sep=" "][meta key="car_price_promotion"][/e2pdf-format-number] zł
If: [meta key="car_price_promotion"]
If Condition: !=
If Value:

We remain at your service.
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20 May, 2020 08:06:01
Topics: 2
Messages: 10
Oleksandr - you are the champion. It works perfectly. Apparently, I still don't know your product well.

I have one question. How to enter css correctly in the html field?
20 May, 2020 08:11:29
Topics: 7
Messages: 3439
Currently it's possible to do directly in "HTML" field values with "style" attribute or via "CSS" value which support simple constructions (tag, separate class) like:

p {
margin-bottom: 20px;

.class {
margin-bottom: 20px;

However it still has very limited support and not all styles or css attributes tags supported. If some style not working, you can create request under "Feature Request" section so we can review to add its support.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
20 May, 2020 09:24:18
Topics: 2
Messages: 10
Okay. At the moment I do not need additional options. Everything works great. Thank you for your help!

I recommend doing the tutorial section for other users who may have similar problems as logically solve something.

We can close this ticket.