Render ACF image filed in PDF

19 February, 2024 06:46:58
Topics: 5
Messages: 9

I am using ACF in a Custom Post Type and I would like to render 1 image in my PDF.

I tried with Image (and then mapping it) and with in HTML but it did not work.

So in my case, the image filed is called [e2pdf-wp key="wappen" meta="true"].

I also tried in this way: <img src='[e2pdf-wp key="wappen" meta="true"]' width="100"> but it did not work.

I can render ACF texts but not this image.

In ACF the image is set to returns URL and they are SVG files.

I also tried to use .png but it did not work.

Many thanks in advance!
19 February, 2024 07:47:30
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Can you please temporarily create a "textarea" and map with the shortcodes as:

[e2pdf-wp key="wappen" meta="true"]

[e2pdf-wp key="_wappen" meta="true"]

Are any of the shortcode outputs the URL? If yes, can you let us know please the URL generated in the "textarea"? You can mark the message as "Private" so only we can see the message.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!