Repeating Fields from Formidable?

16 June, 2018 17:16:55
Topics: 6
Messages: 16
Hi Guys, I am have both Formidablepro2pdf as well as E2PDF (with formidable extensions).

I am trying to create a pdf with repeatable fields from Formidable. The formidable form has basically 2 fields in a repeating section:
1. Text - allows the user to fill in an issue
2. File Upload - allows user to upload picture.

I would like to have the PDF created to show these 2 fields and of course repeated for however many times it was 'repeated' on the form...

Can we do that?
16 June, 2018 17:40:59
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

It's possible, but at current moment you will need to create fields/images for each repeatable section at E2Pdf Template. It means that you must know how much max repeat fields can be filled. If it will be just one repeatable section, other fields and images inside PDF will remain empty, if two - then only 2 will be filled and others will remain unfilled.

To use repeatable sections in your way you will need to create inside E2Pdf Template:

INPUT field with shortcode:
[222:1] - where 222 - the ID of field and 1 the number of repeatable entry. For second repeat section you must use: [222:2] and so on.

To use images, just create IMAGE object and apply shortcode inside value:
[222:1 size='full' show_image='0' add_link='0'] - where 222 - the ID of field and 1 the number of repeatable entry.

P.S. We've already start work on "Conditional" logic which will allow to remove completely empty fields/pages but it will be released not less than in 1 month.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
16 June, 2018 18:09:51
Topics: 6
Messages: 16
This is outstanding, I LOVE the new plugin...
12 July, 2018 03:37:57
Topics: 4
Messages: 14
Thanks - I've also found that the HTML object works for Formidable Forms View syntax for repeating fields (and conditionals ) such as:

[foreach 169] [191] of [172]m2 with an average of [179] people [/foreach]

Love the new plugin! - and the HTML object gives it superpowers.
It'd be good to put together a more comprehensive guide in documentation on how to do various advanced things when you are ready.
12 July, 2018 04:20:23
Topics: 4
Messages: 14
"" This web interface hides HTML but you can add html to the above such as an HTLM line break in the repeating field