Requesting more than just 2 merging forms

Formidable Forms
16 January, 2023 14:51:41
Topics: 11
Messages: 30
Let me explain my use case:
I am using the software to build pages for a real estate magazine, I typically section the form into 4 multi-page sections for the 4 properties they have on each quarter of the page. The agents all want the ability to repopulate their forms (including images) based off past entries. To do this I've tried the formidables views and its duplicate link (as well as their edit shortcode), seems to work, however I need it to only duplicate one section/quater not the whole form - that way they can choose which quater to place that property. (There could be a solution in adding things to the <a href="[key]">Duplicate</a> link, but I dont know of any)

My new solution was to make 4 different forms instead, and have the submission of one form link to the next, that way each form can use the same nested view and they can duplicate whichever property wherever they desire. The problem I see is that the "Merge Items" in E2Pdf can only merge 2 not 4 items, this is fine for a 2 half page (which I also have to set up) but not the 4 quaters, let alone a 6 sectioned page (which I also have to set up).

Is there a way around this?
I've love for you to add an option to choose how many merging items up to 6, worst case I'll have to try and get someone to custom code it, if so, where would be the best case to hire someone for that? Happy to get a quote from you guys.
17 January, 2023 04:31:54
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

Unfortunately, we do not plan to extend the "Mege" items functionality at this moment as we plan to add multiple PDFs merge as a feature but there is no yet ETA for when this feature will be implemented.

As a possible solution for review:

- 1st form, will gather properties data. You can create "View" with edit/duplicate functionality.
- 2nd form, which will have 4 dynamic fields (in your case sections): where users can choose entries from which it must be generated PDF.

In this case, E2Pdf Template must be connected to the 2nd form and inside E2Pdf Template it must be used field keys as described here [x show="y"]

So you can also make edit functionality to the 2nd form or just place the form inside View so users can generate new PDFs from the created property entries when required.

Let us know please if a such solution can work for you.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!
17 January, 2023 16:57:07
Topics: 11
Messages: 30
Thanks for that! Keen to try this, will keep you posted if I have any problems.
I just have a concern with it populating images correcly on the pdf, I noticed that the duplicate functionality on formidable views outputs the images but they're overly compressed and low resolution.
17 January, 2023 23:29:12
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

We suspect that it's something that must be possible to resolve as Formidable Forms has some filters and hooks on duplicate entries functionality, for example:, so the best way can be try to reach their support so they can forward you how to correctly duplicate entry with the image without losing the quality.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!