Select Dataset to export by Username

30 September, 2018 21:08:42
Topics: 11
Messages: 46
Hello, when I am selecting the dataset to export, it only shows the Entry Keys and not the username. Can you please show me how to show the datasets by usernames? In the attached screenshots, I basically want to show "ez ewee" instead of "tn1xv." Thank you.
30 September, 2018 22:22:33
Topics: 7
Messages: 3417
You can change "Dataset" name inside Template:

Metabox ("Settings") -> "Template" tab -> "Dataset Title".

Unfortunately Formidable Forms doesn't have global shortcode for "created by" but you can use [updated-by], which will show by whom entry was last updated. If you need to show exactly by whom entry was created, use "User ID" field.

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30 September, 2018 22:29:37
Topics: 11
Messages: 46
Worked great, thanks!