Send Emails

Help Desk ›› How to ›› Send Emails
21 June, 2018 20:59:47
Topics: 6
Messages: 10
Where is the option to send the generated form via email? In Pro2PDF it was "Attach file to Email notifications"

Am I missing this somewhere in E2PDF?

Also, can we remove Pro2PDF once we have moved all our forms to E2PDF?
21 June, 2018 22:02:56
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
You must add shortcode [e2pdf-attachment id="1"] to email message body - where 1 template id.

You can also check our channel on YouTube here. We have there some examples with usage of plugin.

Removing Pro2PDF plugin will not affect E2Pdf.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!