Shortcode doesn't display download link

8 February, 2023 12:20:46
Topics: 6
Messages: 20
Not sure what I'm missing here but I've tried just using the download shortcode [e2pdf-download id="1" dataset="341"] and nothing is generated. Or rather if I use it in the WP content editor the literal shortcode appears and if I try <?php echo do_shortcode(['[e2pdf-download id="1" dataset="341"]']);?> in my template it just outputs 'Array' . What am I doing wrong?
8 February, 2023 12:24:12
Topics: 6
Messages: 20
Fixed the issue with do_shortcode (removed extra square brackets around the shortcode). However still strange that the download link isn't being generated by the shortcode used in the editor.
8 February, 2023 14:43:11
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Verify please that you are using correct "dataset" as it depends on E2Pdf Template connection.

For example if E2Pdf Template is connected to "WordPress" -> "Pages", 341 must be the Page ID.

You can check if dataset is correct at "E2Pdf" -> "Export" by selecting "Template" and "Dataset" to see of the "Page" you need to export is on the list. It will also show the shortcode which can be used.

P.s. If it still will not work, attach please some screenshots of your E2Pdf Template (so we can see connection), screenshot from "E2Pdf" -> "Export" after selecting E2Pdf Template, and screenshot of where and how E2Pdf shortcode is used. You can mark message as "Private" so only support can see the message.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!