Shortcode Download doesn't show up ...

17 May, 2020 01:41:48
Topics: 3
Messages: 6
Hello I'm using e2pdf on a WordPress site with the Divi theme and Ultimate Members.

I want to display the files generated by e2pdf in my user space. But no information is displayed on when I insert the download shortcode?

I also tried to integrate it via my child theme in php with the do_shortcode function but no result ...

Would you know how to solve this problem ?

Thank you for your help,
17 May, 2020 08:02:38
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

While using "do_shortcode" function you must define correct dataset for item to which your E2Pdf Template connected for "PDF" generation:

$dataset_id = 1;
echo do_shortcode('[e2pdf-download id="1" dataset="'. $dataset_id .'"]');

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17 May, 2020 11:22:03
Topics: 3
Messages: 6
Hi thanks,
it doesn't work, I don't know what terms I should fill in the dataset box?

When I go to my database, the table "e2pdf_dataset" is empty. And in the table "e2pdf_templates" I have my template with ID 1 and I have assigned the variable "dataset_title" to "Dataset01".

I put the following code for the php after your message
<?php $dataset_id = 1; echo do_shortcode('[e2pdf-download id="1" dataset="'. $dataset_id .'"]');?>
But I still don't see anything on my page?

Do I have to do other manipulations to be able to insert the shortcode, I can't find a solution online?

17 May, 2020 12:33:05
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
If your E2Pdf Template connected to extension: Wordpress and item: Page then dataset must be correct Page ID. If it's custom post type, then it must be custom post type post id.

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17 May, 2020 12:48:07
Topics: 3
Messages: 6
Thank you, I tried this modification, but it doesn't work. I use a child theme and the Ultimate Members plugin and I want to display the shortcode in my users' profiles.

But here the shortcode doesn't display anything. I tried different settings with : Extension: WordPress and Item: ... But I couldn't find 'Item' corresponding to the child theme.

The shortcode being inserted in the child theme in php with the do_shortcode.

What modification should I do?
17 May, 2020 13:09:34
Topics: 3
Messages: 6
Ok i try every Item and finally it's seems to be working with the Item "Articles".

It's that a good option or do you see anything else ?
17 May, 2020 14:54:22
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
If you do not need to output anything from connected item, it must be just fine.

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