Show/Hide issue

18 February, 2019 13:43:22
Topics: 4
Messages: 24
Hi - I took the plunge and bought a single license for your plugin, and it's working really well so far. The only issue I'm having is with actions showing text boxes or images.

Clearly everything shows by default. I can't get things to 'hide' by default so that when I select them to 'show' on a certain condition, they appear. So, instead, everything's appearing. I don't really want to reverse this so I set everything to 'hide' on certain conditions, so can you let me know how to have elements as 'hidden' by default?

(If I right-click and hide in the template editor, it just appears again after I save)


18 February, 2019 14:21:06
Topics: 4
Messages: 24
Hmm it's OK I think I worked it out - I just need to set an initial action in each object to hide it... (if 1 = 1 for example), is that the best way of doing it?
18 February, 2019 15:09:06
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Thank you for giving a try to our plugin. Unfortunately this solution is the best at this moment. By default all elements are visible.

We added "Hide by default" option request to our roadmap. As soon as option will be released we will update this thread.

P.S. "Hide" option from element menu is only for comfortable work with Template. Sometimes element is located under another element and in this case to not move elements, you can "Hide" "Top" element and edit properties of element under it.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
18 February, 2019 15:11:42
Topics: 4
Messages: 24
Thank you Oleksandr,

Yes, I think it's just a case of getting used to a new workflow - to be honest, adding a 'hide' action first is no real extra trouble, and makes perfect sense. The 'hide' option in the UI does massively help too. Now I've got my head around it, it's all working exactly how I want it to.

Thanks again, I look forward to future updates and developments!
