Single Template on Multiple Forms

Forminator Forms
25 July, 2023 14:45:16
Topics: 2
Messages: 3
I have multiple Forminator Forms with more or less the same data (name of the fields are the same) and different values, calculations etc... I need this approach to maintain the single forms simpler, having one form to cover all the combinations would be too complex to handle.

I need to print a PDF for the result and made a specific template for this and E2PDF worked perfectly until some time ago... but now something is broken and seems that the Template is valid only for the Form selected as Item.

Would it be possible to use the same Template for all the forms? (One template to rule them all ;) )
...or I am forced to create multiple identical templates, one for each form? (have to say that this approach is not lean).

Help is appreciated.

Many thanks!

26 July, 2023 01:10:29
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Yes, the latest version of the plugin has a bug fix that is verifying the connected form and that the entry belongs to this form. Allowing data from unconnected forms has a potential security risk in disclosing data. It's the default and expected behavior E2Pdf to verify the entry and form.

So the options are:
- Use multiple templates
- Use the same form on different pages with different conditional logic

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