Speed of form submission

25 April, 2019 06:02:31
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
So I have a variety of PDFS being generated and sent via email through the Form actions command in Formidable. The time taken to submit my Formidable form takes longer and longer if more PDFs are added through E2PDF. Is there anything I can do to speed up this process? I have all forms on flatten, and compression 9 although in my testing, the compression setting did not make a huge difference from Auto and then 1-9. Thanks!
25 April, 2019 07:10:15
Topics: 7
Messages: 3420

Unfortunately, all PDFs must be generated and attached among "submission process" due the structure of Formidable Forms and mail process, so in that case the best solution will be to generate "download" links instead of "attachments". You can also try to rebuild the process of sending emails not upon submitting but after, but it will require custom coding to complete the task, as we do not have yet it built-in. Maybe it will be added in future but not in nearest time.

Another way to speed up is to reduce the size of original PDFs, if you are using "pre-made" PDFs. Or you can try to rebuild this PDFs with built-in PDF editor (but it will work only if PDF does not contain a lot of images inside as each image inside E2Pdf Template will increase the size of data to be sent and received).

We are continuously working on improvement the time of PDFs to be generated and expect some update of our servers in nearest time but unfortunately we can't guarantee that it will be huge difference after update as there are a lot of factors that can affect PDFs generation time.

P.S. Also keep in mind please that "flatten" must be set to "Yes" and not to "Full" to get fastest generation.

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25 April, 2019 07:25:32
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
Thanks guys. I might try to work on getting the file sizes down a bit if I can. Any tips on how to do this?
25 April, 2019 07:46:11
Topics: 7
Messages: 3420
Most common issues with size of PDFs are using images, complicated transformations and embedded fonts inside PDFs. You can also try to remove fields from original PDFs as they are controlled by plugin and needed only on first upload to detect and convert to "E2Pdf" format.

P.S. We recommend to "Duplicate" or "Backup" Templates before replacing original PDFs inside "E2Pdf" Templates to avoid any data loss.

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