Speed Up Load Time

19 December, 2018 22:23:27
Topics: 34
Messages: 111
I have a couple of questions on how to do something that are likely not possible at this time and would therefore be considered a feature request:

1. I have a template setup that has a max size of 32 pages, broken down as follows: 2 pages of summarized form data, 20 pages of for data from a repeating section in a form (so, 1 page dedicated per entry with a max therefore for 20 repeating entries), and then 10 pages for another repeating section (also 1 page per entry for a max of 10 entries). On the pages dedicated for repeating entries, I have it set so that if one of those fields in the form is blank (i.e. [100:2]), then Hide the page completely so that when a form only has a few entries from the repeating sections, I don't get a bunch of blank pages when the PDF is generated.

I have it setup this way as I don't know how many entries someone may enter in the repeating section, so I made it to cover what I feel is the max amount that someone would use in each section. However, I believe this causes the PDF to take much longer to generate than if I had it setup to have a max of 12 pages for instance (2 for the summary, and 5 for each repeating section). I don't know that's the case for sure, but it takes about 15 seconds for the site to produce the PDF from what I have noticed testing it, whereas my other PDF templates that are only a couple of pages generate in 5 seconds or less usually. So, my feature request here would be to have it setup for the PDF to generate faster in scenarios like this. I will likely end up creating a second template with fewer pages that should work for me in most instances as a workaround.

2. On the same template referenced above, on 30 of the 32 pages, I have placeholders to account for 10 images per page on them, so that the PDF will produce the first 10 pictures uploaded to the form for each repeating entry (thanks again for all your help in getting that to work perfectly for me). When I load the template in the WordPress admin area to edit the template, it takes about 3 minutes for the template to load completely as the page tries to load each image, which fails to load anything because the value is set to load from a Formidable Form field which doesn't exist (which is perfectly fine and as expected).

So, it would be nice if there were an option to disable loading image previews or something to that affect so that I could indicate to the plugin that it won't be able to load an image preview, and therefore it won't even try and just immediately produce the image placeholder icon instead, and therefore load much quicker.

These are both pretty minor issues in the grand scheme of things, as everything else now works perfectly for me and I absolutely love this plugin and what it will do for me going forward. I just wanted to point them out for ways to potentially improve the plugin down the road. Thanks again for the great support and product!
20 December, 2018 08:50:16
Topics: 7
Messages: 3306

Thank you for suggestions. Our plugin is very young so any improvement suggestion is matter to us. Thank you.

We will check each point carefully and will try to improve render and load time.

We remain at you service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
20 December, 2018 12:48:01
Topics: 34
Messages: 111
I saw an update this morning to the plugin with a note regarding image optimization. After updating the plugin, I opened my 32-page template and it loaded completely in a matter of a few seconds! So, whatever you did there worked perfectly for me. I also notice you fixed an additional tab from unnecessarily being opened when uploading a new PDF. I meant to mention that as a bug previously but had forgotten given how minor of an issue it was, but it's nice to see that's fixed now as well. Thanks again!
20 December, 2018 13:07:22
Topics: 7
Messages: 3306
Thank you. Last update also includes possible fix for incorrect page "width" and "height" so we hope this bug also will not appear.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
20 December, 2018 13:19:12
Topics: 34
Messages: 111
Oh yes I did see that in the changelog also. Thanks again for all your help!