The data fields entered in the PDF template appear unaligned/in a different position

Bug Released
15 August, 2021 20:27:42
Topics: 10
Messages: 19
The data fields entered in the PDF template appear unaligned/in a different position than the one they should have
I leave attached two images that illustrate the problem very well.
What can I do?
16 August, 2021 04:59:38
Topics: 7
Messages: 3346

It can be differences in E2Pdf Template and final PDF as PDF format doesn't have native "HTML" support and E2Pdf converts "HTML" to PDF compatible format. Due some "HTML" tags and styles doesn't supported or some settings can have different output - it can be small changes in output.

However in your case it looks like the issue is connected with setting of correct line-height. So you can try to increase line height in HTML object settings to make it centered as if it's less than font-size / object height then it can render in incorrect position (screenshot 1, screenshot 2). By default it will use "Global" setting if not set and you can click "Preview" to see if it's correctly aligned or not (screenshot 3). Also check if you do not have malformed styles inside "Value" as if you will use Copy & Paste some text directly to "HTML" block browsers can add malformed "HTML".

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!
16 August, 2021 19:07:24
Topics: 10
Messages: 19
Thank you for your answer.
I have tried that but the problem persists
Here is a screenshot of my current configuration:
17 August, 2021 06:26:17
Topics: 7
Messages: 3346
It looks like we could identify the issue. Can you try please update plugin to RC 1.16.18 version by following instruction with this link: and see if issue will be resolved.

If issue will not be resolved after update, attach please PDF which was uploaded to E2Pdf to next message or share the link where we can download it. Thank you.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
17 August, 2021 22:58:47
Topics: 10
Messages: 19
Thank you for your reply
I ended up finishing my templates with and despite of the issue.
I will test that method in the future if I ever needed to finally solve the problem