Unable to auto download PDF in confirmation message

Gravity Forms Bug Resolved
13 January, 2020 21:24:39
Topics: 2
Messages: 5
I am trying to set up a download of a PDF for a form a client just filled out, however the download does not seem to be working. It redirects as it should however I keep getting an error when trying to download the pdf. The dynamic save feature is working however. See attached image for error screen
13 January, 2020 21:38:26
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Are you able to export data from "E2Pdf" -> "Export" without error? Can you please share also the link where we can test form submission?

P.S. You can mark message "private" so only you and support can see your message.

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14 January, 2020 16:11:33
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Can you please attach [e2pdf-download] shortcode to "Success Message" please? as it seems was removed and we can't check PDF generation, or let us know please if it's need to set some specific value on form, to get pdf download link. Thank you.

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14 January, 2020 18:09:10
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Thank you.

It looks like the problem in different Site Address (URL) and WordPress Address (URL) and some "redirect" rules/restrict access. Currently E2Pdf generates links based on Site Address (URL), so generated link on your site looks like: https://example.com/web/?page=e2pdf-download... but it returns 404 error page. If /web/ will be removed from generated link, PDF showing properly.

We tried to replicate issue on our side with same installation structure, but it's working properly for us.

Do you use any plugins installed/some custom .htaccess rules to complete redirect or show 404 pages?

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15 January, 2020 06:41:32
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

We plan to release an update today/tomorrow with option to set url generation via Site Address (URL) which must solve your issue. We will update this thread as soon as it will be released. Thank you. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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15 January, 2020 10:08:45
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
We just released an update (1.09.09) with option to change URL Format.

Try please to change it via "E2Pdf" -> "Settings" -> "Url Format" -> "Site Address (URL)" and let us know please if issue will be solved. Thank you.

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15 January, 2020 18:31:47
Topics: 2
Messages: 5
This has indeed resolved my issue. Thank you very much for your quick reply and work.