You must set Item to use Visual Mapper

10 September, 2018 19:42:19
Topics: 7
Messages: 21
Hi, where is the "visual mapper" ???

I have formiable form and the auto mapping/filling (well, that doesn't work well).
So I need to do it manually....
BUT I don't see how or where to map a field?
10 September, 2018 20:00:25
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Just choose needed form from the list while creating empty E2Pdf Template. Also form can be set from "Options" menu on the right side inside E2Pdf Template.

After this you drag&drop needed field/element and "Right" mouse click on it. There choose "Map Field".

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10 September, 2018 20:01:53
Topics: 7
Messages: 21
when I did the "automated" mapping, the visual mapper appears if I right click and view map field.
BUT when I created new PDF, I don't understand how or what I need to do... so I can map fields?

ALSO, on the automated mapping option... the "visual mapper" LOOKS great! exactly how the PDF needs to look.
BUT the real PDF only has the fields and the label -- NOT all the text?
why is that? why can't the visual mapper BE the real pdf?
10 September, 2018 20:06:48
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
You can check our YouTube channel here to see some examples with creating PDFs.

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10 September, 2018 20:08:57
Topics: 7
Messages: 21
ah.. okay, i missed the selecting the form step :(

BUT its sad that the automated mapping, the PDF does not look like the Visual Mapper.
Why not?

OR can you make it so the PDF looks like the Visual Mapper?
10 September, 2018 20:15:21
Topics: 7
Messages: 21
also, is there a way to prevent all fields from having the "outline" around for each field?
I have lots of fields I have to go 1 by 1 to turn off :(

LOTS of clicking
10 September, 2018 20:27:46
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
Unfortunately at this moment no. We will think the way to make something like "global style" to add this feature in future.

As about looking like Visual Mapper, unfortunately PDF is different and more comlicated format than html and not all things supported.

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10 September, 2018 20:31:18
Topics: 7
Messages: 21

but why the difference between what the PDF looks like vs. what the Visual Mapper looks like?

where currently on automapping, the PDF only has the fields/labels (unformatted?)

it would be GREAT if the auto mapping created the PDF to look like the Visual Mapper.

10 September, 2018 20:34:59
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
Not all things yet done perfectly. :)

For sure we will try to make it more "looking like" in future. We are working in this way.

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