Zapier webhook on Woocommerce thank you page

4 May, 2022 02:22:58
Topics: 7
Messages: 19
I am using e2pdf to generate insurance policy in woocommerce.

Product is set as downloadable file, and downloadable file is set as [e2pdf-view id="1"] - works perfect!

Downloads are only available from thank you page (after payment), so i would like to trigger Zapier to send same downloadable file to external database.

Adding this shortcode to thank you page does not trigger the hook and data is not sent. [e2pdf-zapier id="1" webhook=""]

If i manually trigger this shortcode - it works fine. Is the approach correct or should i do something else for this to work?

4 May, 2022 02:24:00
Topics: 7
Messages: 19
ADD: what i want to achieve is automatically get hook send action after client reaches Thank you page.
4 May, 2022 03:58:41
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

1. You will need to use latest RC version:

2. You can use [e2pdf-zapier] shortcode inside "Additional Mail Content" as [e2pdf-zapier id="1" webhook=""]. It will generate PDF for any ordered product/variation (depending on E2Pdf Template connection). Screenshot attached.

If you need to generate different PDFs for different products or you need to generate PDFs only for specified products you can use:

[e2pdf-zapier id="1" webhook="" product_ids="1324,1325"]

* where 1324 and 1325 is Product IDs or Product Variation IDs depending on E2Pdf Template connection.

Let us know please if it will fit your needs. If not, the other possibility is to use some WooCommerce Hook, iterate over ordered products and generate PDFs via generated PHP shortcode for each needed product.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!