Attachements not always generated

17 June, 2020 10:51:38
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
I am using your plugin in a basic setup with one template for the beginning.
And it is working great, thank you for your hard work on it!!

I am adding the PDF as an attachment, to the mail, i am sendig via Formidable.
Now sometimes it works, sometimes not. I dont really see a pattern in the occurrence of the error.

After that i added a PDF download link to the mail too.
I thought maybe it will help always generating an attachment.
Right now i got an email without attachment. But the download link works.

It is okay for me, but if you have any insights how this could be improved,
i would be really thankful.

The size of the PDF is always quite similar (375KB).
Can it be a problem of the mail provider?

PS. I also changed your server to api2 and deactivated caching in the settings.
Didnt solve it.

Thanks for your time and best regards
17 June, 2020 13:54:20
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Do you have any 3rd party cache plugins? or any plugins that can cache DB records? If so try to disable it also and check if error will occur.

Also check please if you have "Stable" as PDF processor under "E2Pdf" -> "Settings".

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
18 June, 2020 09:22:54
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Hi Oleksandr!
Thanks for your fast response!!

Yes, stable is selected.
Timeout: 300
API: api2.* (i tested it first with api.* -> similar behaviour)

I dont see a chaching plugin in the Wordpress setup.
But i dont have access to the server setup.
I think it is

I have two Formidable actions sending mails with the same attachment, but different text.
The first in the mail list had the attachment included, the second not.
But sometimes both have it..
Is this anything helps you debugging?

Thanks for your time, i really apprecitate it!

18 June, 2020 09:54:30
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Hi, it's strange that sometimes PDF included and sometimes not. If you will try to resend emails on failed entries, will attachment be included in both emails?

If possible, you can try to increase php settings and test with increased values:


If it's also acceptable for you, you can also submit support ticket with WP Admin Dashboard access details and FTP (if possible) here: FTP access details will speed up investigation of the issue as we will be able to make more tests.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!