Cannot display rich text elements

Formidable Forms
15 January, 2024 16:14:27
Topics: 11
Messages: 30

After updating both e2pdf and formidable, the shortcode i was using in a html field is no longer working. Well by working I mean showing the bullet points from the rich text field in formidable.
I was using this shortcode filter to show the bullet points: [e2pdf-format-output filter="html_entity_decode"][432][/e2pdf-format-output]
If theres a new way of doing this I'd like to know how

15 January, 2024 16:18:24
Topics: 11
Messages: 30
this is the before (was working) and after (currently not working)
15 January, 2024 17:03:48
Topics: 11
Messages: 30
Im currently using a workaround using the preg filters to replace: /<p>(.*?)<\/p>/s
with: <ul><li>$1</li></ul>
Then I just seperate each line with a line break in the rich text editor.

I think it could be an issue with formidable as the paragraphs that in the rich text editor look like this:

<li>Moss Vale is an historic &amp; venerated town with a rich country history &amp; connections to the land &amp; community. Bulwer Road is an elevated location offering privacy, views &amp; space in a world where these commodities are in short supply.</li>
<li>This particular &amp; special property offers the laid back mix of the country experience with all the modern conveniences necessary to family living. Everything from a wonderful micro vineyard to an outdoor pool &amp; entertainment area for when friends &amp; wine buffs drop in for a visit.</li>
<li>Set on established grounds of approximately 3 acres (1.21 ha) &amp; offering the opportunity to create &amp; promote your own sense of style, this home &amp; surrounds offer real value in a private enclave of established properties.</li>

come into the e2pdf field looking like this:

<p> Moss Vale is an historic & venerated town with a rich country history & connections to the
land & community. Bulwer Road is an elevated location offering privacy, views & space in a
world where these commodities are in short supply.<br />
This particular & special property offers the laid back mix of the country experience with all
the modern conveniences necessary to family living. Everything from a wonderful micro
vineyard to an outdoor pool & entertainment area for when friends & wine buffs drop in for a
visit.<br />
16 January, 2024 00:47:48
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

If the output with the shortcode inside the "textarea" in the PDF of the shortcode: [432], is exactly as in the last message - it means that Formidable Forms saved it like this.

For us, the rich text editor currently uses "br" tags, instead of "p". However, can you please attach screenshots of how you see the value when:

- You edit an entry, the output of the "text" tab of the rich text field
- The output of the "textarea" with the shortcode [432]
- Let us know also which version of E2Pdf you use.

You can mark the message as "Private" so only we can see the message.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
17 January, 2024 00:04:25
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Very odd that you have different outputs. We can't replicate the issue on our side. See please screenshots attached.

Are you able to provide us access details to the WP Admin Dashboard so we can check on your side? If so, submit please support ticket here:
We would really appreciate your feedback at!