Conditional Logic With Formidable Forms

20 February, 2021 01:23:01
Topics: 4
Messages: 7
A text box does or other field does not show up based on an entry from Formidable Forms. Ex:
There are 12 text fields, 1 for each page. Each one has a promotion for a certain month, January - December
Person who is filling out form selects that they have a birthday in March, so the text field for March would show up only and none of the other months. It would be great to if there weren't any blank pages due to this conditional logic. Going back to the example, since March is the selected month it would show up on the third page, and all the other pages would be blank but still show in the file.

So to sum it up, Conditional Logic and hopefully no blank pages due to that conditional logic
20 February, 2021 07:15:12
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

It looks like you must be able to use "Actions" and "Conditions" feature. It's possible to apply it as to pages, as to elements. By default all elements visible, so for better logic you can hide page/element by default by applying "Hide" action if 1 = 1 and show it only if some field (for example [18] ) not empty. Screenshots attached.

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20 February, 2021 18:47:52
Topics: 4
Messages: 7
I will try it out thanks :)
21 February, 2021 22:45:59
Topics: 4
Messages: 7
Does this work with images? For example, if I put field 18 condition != can I put "Empty" or "Not Full" to hide the field?
22 February, 2021 07:27:06
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415
Yes, it must not be issues to use it with "image" object. It can be used standard Formidable Forms shortcode to compare value.

P.S. If you will use Formidable Forms "File Upload" which will be mapped to "Image" object - by default image will not be rendered if it's empty.

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23 February, 2021 23:15:53
Topics: 4
Messages: 7
Hi, how would I use the conditional logic to not show a page based on field entries?

I tried using
Show if:
[53] (field id number) = Full, but the page was still showing even if the field wasn't full.

Am I putting the field id wrong or using the wrong value? Thanks
24 February, 2021 05:40:51
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

"=" - means "equal".

"!=" - means not "equal".

Your condition will fire only if [53] renders as "Full" string. Also by default all pages shown so you must follow the logic as it was described previously. You must "hide" page by default by applying 1 = 1 Condition in first "Action" and only after this you must add "Action" with your "Condition" to "show" page.

It must be exactly as on below screenshot, except [18] must be replaced with [53]

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