Create new Custom Post Type with each Gravity Form Submission

20 January, 2025 00:26:19
Topics: 2
Messages: 13

Can e2pdf do this? I have a custom post type called "Lender Agreements" and a Gravity Form that captures the details from the lender. I'd like the submission of this form create a new "Lender Agreements" post, and the details from this form to be placed into a template/pdf and then that template/pdf saved to that new Lender Agreement post. And also have this PDF embedded into this new Lender Agreement post on the front-end. It looks as if it can do this but I'm a bit confused as to the process.

Also does e2pdf integrate with Toolset?


20 January, 2025 02:21:53
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

If we understand correctly, you should be able to accomplish the task by following these steps:

1. Create an E2Pdf Template connected to "WordPress" -> "Your Post Type".

2. Use the Gravity Forms Advanced Post Creation Add-On:

3. You should be able to use the shortcode [e2pdf-download id="1"] or [e2pdf-view id="1"] in the Page or Post content, where "1" is the ID of your created E2Pdf Template. A screenshot is attached for reference.

Regarding Toolset, we have users successfully utilizing E2Pdf with Toolset. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to use special shortcodes to output some specific data.
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27 January, 2025 00:11:10
Topics: 2
Messages: 13
Thanks for these steps. I can get the PDF to be associated with the cpt, but the E2pdf template isn't recognizing the gravity forms fields I am embedding. So for example I have this in the template "This Agreement is made on {Date:29} between:" which should output the Date field that was entered into the form but it just shows the shortcode {Date:29} in the front end pdf.

Also my pdf is in English and Thai, but the Thai language does not appear. Is Thai not supported with E2pdf?


27 January, 2025 00:45:24
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

If your E2Pdf Template is connected to "WordPress" (and not Gravity Forms), the data from Gravity Forms should be passed to the custom fields of the created post, and it should be used the [e2pdf-wp] shortcodes to transfer that data from the post to the PDF, not the Gravity Forms syntax.

Regarding the Thai language, ensure that the font used supports both Latin and Thai characters. This font should be set as the default in the PDF. Fonts can be uploaded in "E2Pdf" -> "Settings" -> "Fonts" and configured in the E2Pdf Template:
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
27 January, 2025 00:53:58
Topics: 2
Messages: 13
Ok, but what are the "[e2pdf-wp] shortcodes", can you link to the documentation on those?

27 January, 2025 00:54:46
Topics: 2
Messages: 13
Sorry I found it here:

I think I'm ok now.
27 January, 2025 00:56:52
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
For easier mapping, you can use the "Visual Mapper," which can be accessed by right-clicking on the field and selecting "Map." This will display all available shortcodes.
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