E2Pdf was successfully listed at WordPress.org!

20 August, 2018 15:38:00
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
E2Pdf was successfully listed at WordPress.org and now available for installation from WordPress Plugin Directory!


We remain at your service!
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
17 April, 2019 23:18:01
Topics: 0
Messages: 3

You said: "... now available for installation from WordPress Plugin Directory!" - this is exactly what I am trying to do.

Free E2Pdf Version 1.07.01 with:
WordPress version 4.0.26
theme Mystile
Formidable Version 2.0.12

Installation and activation were successful.
After click on E2Pdf, I got this message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_add_inline_script() in /wp-content/plugins/e2pdf/classes/model/e2pdf-loader.php on line 209

What could be wrong?

Thank you,
17 April, 2019 23:25:11
Topics: 2
Messages: 69
Try disabling all other plugins, and check E2Pdf again. If E2Pdf works, re-enable each plugin one-at-a-time and check E2Pdf after each to find the conflict. If E2Pdf does not work, complete this form to provide site credentials allowing us to take a look at your installation as your error is not a known issue.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
18 April, 2019 05:32:15
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

We could replicate an issue. The problem is in the old version of WordPress. We are now checking if it can be added backward compatibility. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Keep in mind also please that E2Pdf uses some filters and actions of 3rd party plugins and unfortunately, due this, we can not guarantee that all functionality will work with old versions of Formidable Forms and other 3rd party plugins.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
19 April, 2019 01:01:32
Topics: 0
Messages: 3
Thank you, I will update my WP.
22 April, 2019 09:21:58
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

We currently released update (1.07.02) where we added backward compatibility with WordPress 4.0 if you failed with updating your version of WordPress. We made tests with your version of WordPress and Formidable Forms and all seems working like expected. Let us know please if you will face any other issues.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
22 April, 2019 16:27:35
Topics: 0
Messages: 3
Thank you very much !