Escaping apostrophes

23 September, 2020 18:38:14
Topics: 2
Messages: 2
You can see in the attached file, at around the end of the document, that there's the word "DON\'T KNOW". How can we keep that slash from appearing before the apostrophe?
24 September, 2020 09:42:51
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Unfortunately we were not able to replicate the issue. Are you using "Single" line field with predefined value or its user input? If possible, can you please attach some screenshots how its setup?

Meanwhile you can try to use shortcode wrapper [e2pdf-format-output] to replace it.

[e2pdf-format-output search="\\'" replace="'"][meta key="wpcf-single-line"][/e2pdf-format-output]

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