Formidable Forms Repeater fields

14 October, 2021 14:15:04
Topics: 1
Messages: 1
Hello I having the same problem, could you please help me, since that screenshot is old and now its different.

I have a section of my formidable form that is a Repeater Field, So I want to be able to generate the PDf with that feature on so as many people add that repeated field will always create or generates more pages to that PDF. Please let me know if this make sense. and if you could help me out
14 October, 2021 23:51:07
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419

Currently there are 2 ways to output Formidable Forms Repeater data inside PDF, however all solution will require pre-set and approximately to know how much repeater entries maximum can be added:

1. Separately by using:
[101:1]: [102:1], [103:1] - for 1st entry
[101:2]: [102:2], [103:2] - for 2nd entry

It's possible to hide empty elements or pages by applying "Actions" and "Conditions". Screenshot 1 (How to hide element), Screenshot 2 (How to hide page).


2. Via Formidable Forms "foreach" shortcode and "Splitting Content Over Pages" feature:

[foreach 100]
[101]: [102], [103]

In general it must be created 1st "HTML" block with [foreach] shortcode with "Disable WYSIWYG Editor" option checked. It must be created 2nd, 3rd, 4th... pages with another "HTML" block which will have set "Parent" to 1st HTML block ID and "Hide Page (if empty)" option. Here is the full video example with example setup:

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