Formidable Forms Repeating Sections - endlessly?

Formidable Forms
9 March, 2021 14:19:00
Topics: 1
Messages: 2

My Formidable Form has a Repeating Section which has a number of fields in it.

I can see how to make multiple section's entries appear in the PDF.

But how do I make the layout of the form flexible so that it will show the entries and not leave any white space?

ie; If there is only one entry that only takes up a small amount of space. If there are 20 entries it needs to take up a lot more space. So the height is unknown and depends on the number of entries.

I need the next section of the form to appear below this repeating section without any whitespace above it.

Your help much appreciated
9 March, 2021 15:55:44
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

1st possible solution is using static elements with "Actions" and "Conditions" to hide empty elements and move afterward elements with dynamic change of "Element Position Top".

In general you will need to create "Actions" and "Conditions" to hide "Repeater" fields if they empty:

Action: "Hide"
Condition: if [123:1] is "empty"

Action: "Hide"
Condition: if [123:2] is "empty"

For afterwards elements it must be added "Actions" which will change "Element Position Top" dynamically:

Action: "Change"
Property: "Element Position Top"
Change: -50 (the size of hidden repeater field)
Condition: if [123:1] is "empty"

Action: "Change"
Property: "Element Position Top"
Change: -50 (the size of hidden repeater field)
Condition: if [123:2] is "empty"


Here is a simplified video example with setting up conditions and the way it will work:

2nd possible solution is using "HTML" block with tables markup inside, Formidabel Forms shortcodes ([foreach], [if], ...)and split content over pages feature if you could have continued content. "Disable WYSIWYG Editor" checkbox must be checked to avoid "HTML" break due Formidable Forms shortcodes.

Here is a simplified video example for 2nd solution:

P.S. We are working on "relative" elements which must solve current issues with repeatable fields, however we do not yet have ETA when this feature will be available due the complex of task.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!
9 March, 2021 16:05:56
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Thank you!