Formidable View to pdf

22 June, 2022 18:13:50
Topics: 5
Messages: 11
I have a formidable view and I would like to run the contents of the view into a pdf. After reading the help section, my setup is in the photos attached. I do not see a download button in the formidable view.

Thank you for your help wise ones.
22 June, 2022 18:15:42
Topics: 5
Messages: 11
Screenshot of view results
23 June, 2022 00:41:16
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

It looks like you are using incorrect "dataset" if your E2Pdf Template connected to "Formidable Forms" extension. It must be the Entry ID of ANY submitted "ENTRY" (not "View ID") inside the Formidable Forms form to which connected E2Pdf Template. You can get correct one by trying to export data from backend at "E2Pdf" -> "Export". (Screenshot 1)

Or you can change E2Pdf Template connection to "WordPress" -> "Views" via "Options" inside E2Pdf Template. (Screenshot 2)

P.S. It's also recommended to use latest RC version as it has minor bug-fixes for Formidable Forms Views:

P.P.S. It's also recommended to expand "HTML" object inside E2Pdf Template to be sure that content will not be truncated upon tests.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
23 June, 2022 07:43:42
Topics: 5
Messages: 11
One step closer I am getting a download button but no data in the pdf. I am running version 1.17.42. Attached are pics of setup. Thank you again.
23 June, 2022 08:09:54
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
Do you get any output like "no entries to show" inside PDF or it's completely empty?

If you get some output:

Be sure that you are using correct "pass" parameters and filters as in your shortcode you are passing "arg1" inside shortcode as "finddate" but you pass it back to View as "event", so it's need to review the filters which is used inside your Formidable Forms View, for example:

[e2pdf-download id="3" dataset="8124" arg1="[get param=finddate default=none]"]

And inside E2Pdf Template you need to pass it back as:

[display-frm-data id="8124" filter=limited finddate="[e2pdf-arg key=arg1]"]

If you didn't get any output:

- Try to make "HTML" object bigger

If still will not work:

- Try to create "textarea" and map it with same Formidable Forms View shortcode as inside "HTML" object. If it will output any data - setup please "Flatten" option to "No", download and attach PDF to next message so we can check output. You can mark message "Private" so only we can see the message.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!
23 June, 2022 08:37:58
Topics: 5
Messages: 11
I have discovered it is the passing of the view filters that is the issue. My setup works with no filters on the view but I need 3 filters, so I tried with just one.

[e2pdf-exclude][e2pdf-download id="3" dataset="8124" arg1="[get param=findlocation default=none]"][/e2pdf-exclude]

[display-frm-data id=8124 filter="limited" findlocation="[e2pdf-arg key=arg1]"]

The pdf is appearing blank with this setup.
23 June, 2022 08:41:50
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
Do you get empty output also in "textarea" created and mapped with Formidable View shortcode inside E2Pdf Template?

If yes, submit please support ticket with access details to WP Admin Dashboard here: so we can login and check your setup.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
23 June, 2022 12:55:22
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
There were couple of issues:

1. It must be used shortcode as:

[e2pdf-exclude][e2pdf-download id="3" dataset="8124" arg1="[get param=findlocation]"][/e2pdf-exclude], without "default".

2. It was some bug regarding rendering correctly [e2pdf-exlude] which currently was fixed and must work properly with next updates.

We currently also setup to output multiple pages in case if content will be overflowed over 1st page. Screenshot with setup attached. All further pages must have same setup.

P.S. If you need to make some styles you will need to use "CSS" section on main block. Keep in mind please that it can accept only 1 level css as:

div {

.class {

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
23 June, 2022 13:00:30
Topics: 5
Messages: 11
Another question what is syntax for using 3 filters
23 June, 2022 13:00:30
Topics: 5
Messages: 11
Another question what is syntax for using 3 filters
23 June, 2022 13:04:41
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
Same way:

[e2pdf-exclude][e2pdf-download id="3" dataset="8124" arg1="[get param=findlocation]" arg2="[get param=another]" arg3="[get param=further]"][/e2pdf-exclude]

And inside E2Pdf Template it will be:

[display-frm-data id=8124 filter=limited findlocation="[e2pdf-arg key=arg1]" another="[e2pdf-arg key=arg2]" further="[e2pdf-arg key=arg3]"]

But it will be also dependency on how you set filters inside "View".

In general: "View" sends parameters to "PDF" and "PDF" sends these same parameters to "View".
We would really appreciate your feedback at!