Forminator 1.10.x version checkbox/radio/select stopped working

20 April, 2021 17:53:46
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
It was changed behavior of saved values by Forminator when using "checkbox", "radio" and "select". Instead of "values" it's saving "labels" from 1.10.x version.

- If you do not need to have old entries work with PDF it will be need just to use latest version of E2Pdf (1.13.39 or 1.14.09 RC) and "Remap" via Visual Mapper "checkbox", "radio" and "select" inside E2Pdf Template. It must automatically replace "Option" values to "Labels" which will make it work correctly with entries which will be/were submitted in 1.10.x version. Unfortunately old entries will stop working.

- If it's need to have old entries and new entries work with PDF it must be used "Actions" and "Conditions" to detect both possible "Values" and "Labels".

E2Pdf + Forminator (1.14.10) Checkbox Fix Backward Compatibility

E2Pdf + Forminator (1.14.10) Radio Fix Backward Compatibility

E2Pdf + Forminator (1.14.10) Select Fix Backward Compatibility

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