Gravity Forms Signature Appearing as Links

Gravity Forms
14 June, 2022 03:38:37
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
Hi Guys,

I have noticed our signature fields are now showing as url links when added to the PDF - all other fields are fine, just the signatures. I have updated to the RC version of the plugin but the issue still happens on both the RC and production version of the E2PDF plugin.

How do we resolve this?

Many thanks.
14 June, 2022 03:42:17
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
Attached it my template settings and signature configuration
14 June, 2022 05:15:31
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

We currently checked the URL which is generated by Gravity Forms and it seems correct and "Signature" loads from our side. Does it happen also when you try to export data to PDF via backend at "E2Pdf" -> "Export"?

Do you use any security plugins like "Anti-Spam par CleanTalk" or any others which can block access to website? If yes - try to temporary disable it or whitelist your Server IP address as it could be that plugin blocks access to your Server IP. It's also recommended to check Server IP Address in your server firewall blacklist rules.

If the issue doesn't connected with security plugin and not with your server firewall it could be connected with DNS resolve of your domain, if server can't connect to itself. Unfortunately to confirm it we will need FTP access to your website to debug the response when image requested. If it's acceptable for you - you can submit support ticket with access details here:

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
14 June, 2022 06:42:28
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
Ah! I think I know what the issue is then. We have recently installed a new firewall behind our webserver.

Are you able to provide a list of server IP's that I can whitelist on our firewall and test again.

Many thanks.
14 June, 2022 07:54:20
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
It's need to whitelist your Server IP address as "signature" object trying to get image source on your side. i.e. your firewall blocks your own Server IP from access to image by URL.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!