Hide unique HTML field from PDF output Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms
14 November, 2024 23:33:38
Topics: 3
Messages: 4

I am using Formidable Forms, which has HTML fields set to display in the form with conditional logic by selecting a Yes|No Radio button. When the Yes button is selected the HTML field is hidden in the form but still displays in the outputted PDF. How do I hide this HTML field?

Many Thanks
14 November, 2024 23:49:03
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

The E2Pdf actions and conditionals should be used to hide required fields: https://e2pdf.com/docs/actions/element

Example: An object would be hidden if [104] is rendered as "No," where [104] is the Formidable Forms Fields shortcode. (Screenshot 1)

To ensure that you are using the correct option, you can create a temporary textarea with the mapped field as [104] and check the rendered output, or review the value saved in the mapped "radio" field in the E2Pdf Template. (Screenshot 2)
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