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Formidable Forms
30 January, 2020 23:28:58
Topics: 3
Messages: 4

I use Formidable Forms, I made the mapping with my pdf file, but I can´t found this options:

1) In previous version let us select the field format (Number, Text, Capitalize All, with their respective formats, ex: decimals, etc), I can´t found that option in new version.

2) I can´t select bold letter for a selected field. It´s says that is only for html fields.

3) I got a form in A4 size that repite the same fields after the middle of the page with exactly same name. The plugin only map the fields of first section and not in the second section of the form like in previous version.
31 January, 2020 07:39:15
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

1. Instead of dropdowns as in PRO2PDF you must use shortcode wrappers to format strings:
[e2pdf-format-number], [e2pdf-format-date], [e2pdf-format-output]

For example to capitalize all letters field value will look like this:

[e2pdf-format-output filter="strtoupper"][123][/e2pdf-format-output]

2. To use bold values inside "fields" you must upload and set bold font to needed fields. WYSIWYG Editor can be used only with "HTML" object (screenshot 1). "HTML" object can be formatted with some simple html tags, like <b>[123]</b> inside "Value" ("Right Mouse Click" -> "Properties" -> "Value").

3. If you mean using repeatable fields, it different from FPRO2PDF. In E2Pdf you must map each field. To show value from field 123 and 1 repeatable entry you must use shortcode [123:1], to show second repeatable entry you must use [123:2] and so on.

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