How to use formidable forms repeater fields ?

Formidable Forms
23 March, 2022 12:33:38
Topics: 3
Messages: 8
I have a form with repeater area , limit is 3 . I need to display values in this repeater. I have text "skill name" and "rate" image field . I need to display the rating based on the value 1 to 5 I display another image from media library for example instead of the stars I display circles based on the rate value. Please advise how to do that ?
23 March, 2022 12:35:34
Topics: 3
Messages: 8
user may enter 1 or 2 or 3 skills
23 March, 2022 23:05:41
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Inside E2Pdf Template it's possible to use shortcodes as:

[1531:1 show="value"] - show 1st repeater entry "Rating" value
[1531:2 show="value"] - show 2nd repeater entry "Rating" value
[1531:3 show="value"] - show 3rd repeater entry "Rating" value

* where "1531" is "Rating" Field ID. Screenshot 1.
** By default "Rating" field will be showed as "checkbox" inside "Visual Mapper" and will be mapped as [1531:1]

So to show some images depending on that value you will need to use "Actions" and "Conditions". The easiest way will be to prepare 5 images like with 1 - 5 "circles" / "stars" / etc and inside E2Pdf Template change this images depending on value. See please Screenshot 2 attached. It will change URL to "Image" depending depending on "star" rating for 1st repeater entry.

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24 March, 2022 04:16:06
Topics: 3
Messages: 8
Many thanks, I am preparing this as a demo for a client and if they like it will buy a license