IF statement in WYSIWYG-Editor

7 November, 2019 18:15:32
Topics: 1
Messages: 1
Is it possible to add IF statements inside the value field of a WYSIWYG field?

My problem:
I have a few headlines inside WYSIWYG fields with their corresponding meta_keys (A, B, C, D, E, etc.) inside WYSIWYG fields right next to them. I need them as 2 column rows. If some of the meta_key fields do not have values, they should not be shown - which I did by ACTIONS and "hide if empty".

The problem is, that the content of the row is not shown but a white space instead... Look at the attached screenshot to see what I mean.

Possible solution:
Can I do something like "IF(([meta key="XY"]):Headline XY)" inside the value field of the WYSIWYG field?
By that I could put them in 1 single field where empty meta keys do not cause white spaces.

Kind regards,
8 November, 2019 06:16:44
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Unfortunately [if] statements doesn't supported by WordPress extension. As a solution you can try to use "Actions" and "Conditions" to change "Top" position depending on empty value. "Change" "Position Top" can accept as static values, as dynamic with -/+ depending on previously value.

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