if string exist in answer

Gravity Forms
31 March, 2021 13:57:18
Topics: 7
Messages: 27
Hello. i'm using Gravity forms and in my form i have a question with four checkboxes. user can checked all checkbox. now issue is here i also have 4 checkboxes in e2pdf template. now i want that if user checked 1st and 2nd checkbox then in pdf 1st and 2nd checkbox checked.
31 March, 2021 14:17:48
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Sorry, can you please clarify a bit, maybe attached some screenshots what you try to do and how currently checkbox mapped if we are wrong in explanation. If you use "Visual Mapper", by default it must work as you described. If 1st checkbox checked it must be also checked in PDF, if 2nd - then 2nd.

By default checkbox values renders as "Option 1, Option 2, Option 3" (comma separated) and each checkbox inside E2Pdf Template has "Option" to compare with. So by default if rendered value will contain "Option Value" then checkbox will be checked. Some explanation on attached screenshots.

P.S. To see which value rendered when some checkboxes checked it can be used "textarea" inside E2Pdf Template with {Untitled:1} (Gravity Forms checkbox shortcode).

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31 March, 2021 15:01:24
Topics: 7
Messages: 27
Thanks for replay.
Check Figure 1.0. question in figure 1.0.
Check Figure 1.1. i have 2 checkboxes in pdf. but if i select 4 options for this question and answer show like this check figure 1.2.
Now check Final figure.
31 March, 2021 16:06:24
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
If we understand correctly, you do not need to use "Conditions" for this case. You need to move: {Children:119:filter[11],index[0]} to "Value" and remove any "Actions" and "Conditions" as on screenshot attached.

If it's still will not work, create please "textarea" field inside E2Pdf Template and put there value: {Children:119:filter[11],index[0]}. Copy it here or attach screenshot where it will be visible rendered value.

P.S. It was already released RC 1.14.08 with support GravityWiz Nested forms Visual Mapper which must allow to map checkbox via "Right Mouse Click" -> "Map". We do not have any known issues however it's still under test stage. You can apply update now by turning on updates from "e2pdf.com". Option can be enabled at "E2Pdf" -> "Settings" -> "Release Candidate Builds". After enabling this option you must be able to check for updates at "Dashboard" -> "Updates" and update plugin as usual to version 1.14.08.

It's recommended to turn off this option after update

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31 March, 2021 17:39:00
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
You do not need any conditions, checkbox work like this by default.

It must be:
Option: Du lebst seit mehr als einem Jahr mit der oben genannten Person in einem gemeinsamen Haushalt.
Value: {Children:119:filter[11],index[0]}

Value will be same for all checkbox and Option will be different. Please check video below, we set it with your values:

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1 April, 2021 06:04:24
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

If it's acceptable for you, submit please support ticket with access details to your WP Admin Dashboard here please: https://e2pdf.com/support/request.

If not, It looks like the issue in some "Action" and "Condition" added which change the value:

- Attach please screenshots of all actions/conditions added, as on video we saw only 2 first.
- Try to remove all conditions and see if it will work with default value {Children:119:filter[11],index[0]}

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1 April, 2021 09:53:19
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
Can you please create "textarea" field as on screenshot and put there your value: {Children:119:filter[11],index[0]} and attach screenshot of this field inside generated PDF please?

We still can't replicate issue on our side, so it seems can be something else...
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2 April, 2021 05:08:26
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

See attached screenshot.

You must set default values to:
Option: "1"
Value: "0"

After this it must be added conditions which will change "Value" to 1. So in your case you must use "Apply If" "All" + 2 condtions:
1. Detect if needed "radio" value not empty ({Children:114:filter[516],index[0]})
2. Detect [e2pdf-arg].. If you need to change value the same way for different "arguments" which detects index.

2nd action will have same settings except different conditions:
1. {Children:114:filter[516],index[1]}
2. E2Pdf "argument" shortcode by which you detect that it will be index "1"

3rd action:
1. {Children:114:filter[516],index[2]}
2. E2Pdf "argument" shortcode by which you detect that it will be index "2"

and so on...

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