Map radio button in Formidable to E2PDF with different values

21 April, 2019 07:17:22
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
Is there a way to Map a radio button field from Formidable forms to E2PDF where the shown value in the subsequent form is DIFFERENT to the radio button.

ie: Radio button selection in Formidable is for example, A, B, C
But the displayed value in E2PDF is 1,2,3. Where A = 1 for example.
21 April, 2019 08:11:24
Topics: 7
Messages: 3420

Sorry, a bit unclear the reason of such change, as actually you can change each radio button field "option" to fit needed value as "radio" button value is not showing anywhere. It can be changed by "Right" mouse click -> "Properties" -> "Option". So in your case it must be enough just to change "Option" values to A, B, C, etc (Screenshot 1).

But if you still need to change final "value" it can be done with actions and conditions. I attached screenshot where value will be changed based on input on other field. But keep in mind please that any added "Action" and "Condition" to value of "radio" button must be added same for ANY radio buttons inside same group ("Group" parameter inside "Properties").

There also can be other situation, when you are using "separate" values option for "radio" buttons inside Formidable Form. So if we understand incorrectly your question please clarify it so we can forward correct solution to you. Thank you.

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21 April, 2019 08:37:29
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
Thanks for the rapid reply.
The basis of my query in summary:

Can you OUTPUT to the final mapped PDF a different "text value" for the option selected in the radio button.
ie: If the radio button options on the formidable form say: Yes | No | Unsure
Can the final output to the form show Yes it is | No it isn't | Unsure OK
Does this make more sense?
21 April, 2019 09:36:52
Topics: 7
Messages: 3420
Thank you for clarifying the question. Yes, actually "Actions" and "Conditions" designed for this.

I attached some screenshots with Formidable Form, Conditions, and Result of output. It must be clear how to fit it to your needs. Let us know if something is not clear.

"Actions" and "Conditions" is applied to needed "Input" field and added via "Right" mouse click on "input" inside "E2Pdf" Template -> "Add Action".
[578] - is the ID of Radio field.

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