Missing License Field in backend

Caldera Forms
21 April, 2021 06:27:31
Topics: 2
Messages: 6
Hello, I purchased the upgrade, but when i went to the license tab, it is empty. there is just a tab that says license, and an empty page, so my site still reads free status with 1 page. how do i fix this issue? thanks in advance.
21 April, 2021 07:32:59
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

You must receive purchased License Key to your E-mail or it can be found at https://e2pdf.com/dashboard/licenses.

To apply purchased License Key go please to WP Admin Dashboard -> "E2Pdf" -> "License" -> Click "Change" -> Insert paid "License Key" -> "Apply". (screenshot attached)

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21 April, 2021 13:46:34
Topics: 2
Messages: 6
Hello. I literally explained that i did exactly what you said to do. if you read it, THE LICENSE KEY PAGE/TAB IS EMPTY. THERE IS NO PLACE TO ENTER THE LICENSE KEY!!!!! You literally just told me to do what i said i did already. again... THERE IS NO LICENSE KEY TAB PAGE WHICH YOU INCLUDED A PICTURE OF
21 April, 2021 13:54:21
Topics: 2
Messages: 6
really excited to try your program out.
21 April, 2021 14:31:14
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Sorry, we didn't understand the question as there were not such issues before. As we understand clicking on "License" tab not helping also.

Can you let us know which URL do you see in browser?

is it: "wp-admin/admin.php?page=e2pdf-license" or different?

If it's same, do you have access to error.log if yes, can you check it for PHP Fatal errors also? As it looks can be some plugin conflict.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
21 April, 2021 15:10:59
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
We currently released a possible fix to RC Version (1.14.10) as it seems issue can appear due some extra data added to url by some 3rd party plugin which affect page render.

You can apply update now by turning on updates from "e2pdf.com". Option can be enabled at "E2Pdf" -> "Settings" -> "Release Candidate Builds" (screenshot). After enabling this option you must be able to check for updates at "Dashboard" -> "Updates" and update plugin as usual to version 1.14.10.

It's recommended to turn off this option after update

Please let us know if you issue will be resolved after update. Thank you.

If not, unfortunately it seems we will need to login to your dashboard directly to see which can cause such issue. If it's acceptable for you, you can submit support ticket here: https://e2pdf.com/support/request with access details to WP Admin Dashboard.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
21 April, 2021 16:00:49
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Glad to hear that issue fixed.

As about errors it looks like no. Current errors must not affect "License" page.

We just checked your URL and it seems each URL has additional parameters as "?doing_wp_cron=".

So it looks like that instead of:

You were getting URL as:

It caused by some 3rd party plugin which is not exactly correct and due non strict check on our side, page were failing to load. In latest RC version it was added more strict check which seems fixed the issue.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!