My form has an option where users could add additional fields. How do I map additional fields that they could potentially add and fill and have the input displayed on the form when exported to PDF?

13 September, 2024 03:25:54
Topics: 5
Messages: 12
My form has an option where users can add additional fields as shown in the screenshot. And I'm not sure how I could map the input field ID of the additional fields to e2pdf to make their data appear when displayed on the PDF. Right now, I could only map the first field which is a default pre-display field on the form. I'd appreciate any help or suggestions, thank you!
13 September, 2024 03:47:37
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Please try set the value via "Right Mouse Click" -> "Properties" -> "Map" as:

1st entry of field "170"
[e2pdf-format-output explode="\n" output="{0}"]{field_id="170"}[/e2pdf-format-output]

2nd entry of field "170"
[e2pdf-format-output explode="\n" output="{1}"]{field_id="170"}[/e2pdf-format-output]

3rd entry of field "170"
[e2pdf-format-output explode="\n" output="{2}"]{field_id="170"}[/e2pdf-format-output]

and so on..

Important: For the radio buttons - it should also be changed the "group" name at "Right Mouse Click" -> "Properties" -> "Group". It should be set before changing the value and unique among each repeater. For example:

For the 1st repeater Gender (Male, Female) radio it can be set to the group name: repeater1

For the 2nd repeater Gender (Male, Female) radio can be set to the group name: repeater2

and so on...

We would really appreciate your feedback at!
16 September, 2024 00:49:15
Topics: 5
Messages: 12
You mentioned the radio buttons that the group name should also be changed. When i check, i do not see "group". Could you help clarify more on this?
16 September, 2024 00:53:09
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

It seems you are using "checkbox" instead of "radio" in the E2Pdf Template. In that case, it should be just fine to change the "Value".
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
16 September, 2024 00:54:52
Topics: 5
Messages: 12
I actually use radio. It's just that i'm using check as a symbol.
16 September, 2024 01:00:51
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
E2Pdf has 2 different fields:


They can look the same in PDF with specific settings but function differently if the PDF is not flattened.

In your screenshot above - it's a "checkbox" not a "radio", however, in case your PDF is flattened and you are getting the required look - it's also fine to use a "checkbox". It can be just due to your "original" PDF having been designed with a "checkbox" and not "radio".
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
16 September, 2024 01:08:54
Topics: 5
Messages: 12
Basically, I'm using radio on my WPForm for my users to select between the options. While on the PDF plugin, I use check to show the tick symbol. Could you clarify how I should map the gender field? Since it's also a field that can be repeated as well.
16 September, 2024 01:08:55
Topics: 5
Messages: 12
Basically, I'm using radio on my WPForm for my users to select between the options. While on the PDF plugin, I use check to show the tick symbol. Could you clarify how I should map the gender field? Since it's also a field that can be repeated as well.
16 September, 2024 01:21:41
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
When using the "checkbox" (as now) inside the E2Pdf Template - it should be changed just the "Value" as mentioned above. Screenshots 1, 2, 3, 4

In case you replace those checkboxes with "radio" buttons - then you should use a different group name for each "Male", and "Female" radio repeater + change the "value". Screenshots 5, 6, 7, 8

* In both cases keep attention that "Option" should be "Male" on the "Male" radio/checkbox and "Female" on the "Female" radio/checkbox (as mapped from "Visual Mapper")

We would really appreciate your feedback at!