MyHome Wordpress Theme property fields to e2pdf

WordPress Released
6 June, 2019 12:44:56
Topics: 9
Messages: 29
Good afternoon,

I am trying to workout MyHome real estate wordpress theme with e2pdf ( get property listings to show up on e2pdf ) without success.

How can i display any field or custom field from wordpress on e2pdf?


6 June, 2019 14:28:08
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

All available documentation located here:

Available shortcodes for WordPress available here:

You can also "Right" mouse click on needed E2Pdf field/object and click "Map" to see available shortcodes.

Some video examples available on our YouTube channel:

To use "custom" post fields you will need to use [meta key="x"] - where x it the "ID" of field.

Or wrap content with "[e2pdf-content key="content1"]Some content[/e2pdf-content] inside pages and use [e2pdf-content key="content1"] inside E2Pdf Template to output this data.

If you will still be unsucess with usage of plugin, attach please some examples so we can check its way. Thank you.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
10 June, 2019 22:16:06
Topics: 9
Messages: 29
Thank you Oleksandr for your quick reply,

I have tried to find a way of displaying the custom wordpress fields without success.

On the PDF options list there is the custom post list of the Theme "properties" but when selected the available fields are the default ones from wordpress post.

A bit lost here...

12 June, 2019 08:37:33
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

Unfortunately you must define [meta key="x"] manually at this moment, not with Visual Mapper. We are working on the possibility to add "auto" detection but it's not yet ready for release. We investigated currently theme and it uses standard "custom" meta keys so it must be compatible with E2Pdf. You need just to detect correct "meta key" and put value manually to needed element.

- To manually set value you need "Right mouse click" on needed E2Pdf field/object -> "Properties" and find "Value" textarea. (screenshot 1)

- To detect meta key value you can use developers console in "Chrome" (F12) -> "Click" on "Inspect element" and find needed elements name. The name looks like: name="acf[myhome_estate_attr_price]". The key that must be used: [meta key="estate_attr_price"] (without acf and myhome). (screenshot 2)

Currently supported keys:
- [meta key="estate_plans_0_estate_plans_name"]
- [meta key="estate_plans_0_estate_plans_image"] - (will output the ID of attachment only not image)
- [meta key="estate_attachments_0_estate_attachment_name"]
- [meta key="estate_attachments_0_estate_attachment_file"] - (will output the ID of attachment only)
- [meta key="estate_video"]
- [meta key="estate_additional_features_0_estate_additional_feature_name"]
- [meta key="estate_additional_features_0_estate_additional_feature_value"]
- [meta key="estate_sidebar_elements_0_estate_sidebar_element_link"]
- [meta key="estate_sidebar_elements_0_estate_sidebar_element_text"]
- [meta key="estate_sidebar_elements_0_estate_sidebar_element_image"] - (will output the ID of attachment only not image)

What is NOT SUPPORTED yet:
- Showing fields with name tax_input[property-type][] (Property type, Offer Type, City, etc.)
- [meta key="estate_gallery"]
- [meta key="estate_location"]
- [meta key="estate_plans_0_estate_plans_image"], [meta key="estate_attachments_0_estate_attachment_file"] and [meta key="estate_sidebar_elements_0_estate_sidebar_element_image"] - showing URL which is needed to show images.

We expect to add all features that's not supported yet with nearest update and we will update this thread as soon as it will be added.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
12 June, 2019 18:02:44
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

We just released an update (1.07.10) with support of all features that was mentioned in post above.

To output needed information from "Property" fields:

- [terms key="property-type" names="true"] - will output property type

- [terms key="city" names="true"] - will output city

- [terms key="offer-type" names="true" implode=", "] - will output offer types separated by comma
Separated values:
[terms key="offer-type" path=""], [terms key="offer-type" path=""] and so on.

- [terms key="zip-code" names="true" implode=", "] - will output zip-codes separated by comma
Separated values:
[terms key="zip-code" path=""], [terms key="zip-code" path=""] and so on.

- [terms key="neighborhood" names="true" implode=", "] - will output neighborhoods separated by comma
Separated values:
[terms key="neighborhood" path=""], [terms key="neighborhood" path=""] and so on.

- [terms key="street" names="true" implode=", "] - will output streets separated by comma
Separated values:
[terms key="street" path=""], [terms key="street" path=""] and so on.

- [terms key="features" names="true" implode=", "] - will output features separated by comma
Separated values:
[terms key="features" path=""], [terms key="features" path=""] and so on.

- [meta key="estate_location" path="address"] - will output address of location.

- [meta key="estate_gallery" path="0" attachment_url="true"], [meta key="estate_gallery" path="1" attachment_url="true"] and so on. Will output images urls from gallery and can be used with E2Pdf "image" object.

- [meta key="estate_plans_0_estate_plans_image" attachment_url="true"] - Will output image url for first plan and can be used with E2Pdf "image" object.

- [meta key="estate_attachments_0_estate_attachment_file" attachment_url="true"] - Will output attachment url for first attachment

- [meta key="estate_sidebar_elements_0_estate_sidebar_element_image" attachment_url="true"] - Will output image url for first sidebar image and can be used with E2Pdf "image" object.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
12 June, 2019 21:26:59
Topics: 9
Messages: 29
Thank you Oleksandr for the quick reply and amazing work done!

I am going to "play" around with the above options and will post some results.
