New PDF has more pages

Formidable Forms
12 May, 2022 01:35:36
Topics: 1
Messages: 1
Hi There. So I have a PDF template of 24 pages with mapped fields. I want to add an extra pages, increasing it to 25. Tried using the ^ upload function but it just stays in an upload loop.

Is it possible to add a new PDF with more pages?
12 May, 2022 07:22:18
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

If it's pre-uploaded PDF you need to edit original PDF by adding new page and use re-upload functionality. Screenshot attached.

If you are using exactly the same function and re-upload fails:
- Check please error.log for any errors as it can be connected with resource limits like memory_limit.
- Will it fail if you try to create new E2Pdf Template with that new PDF?

As alternative (if it's acceptable for you) - you can submit support ticket with access details to WP Admin Dashboard and FTP access details here: so we can login and check. Attach also please newly designed PDF.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!