Only Show Populated Fields

Formidable Forms
1 September, 2020 11:58:43
Topics: 2
Messages: 2

I have a formidable form which uses conditional logic to direct the users to specific questions when they submit a specific answer. How can I only display the questions which have been answered by the user in a pdf?

Many Thanks

1 September, 2020 15:56:14
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

You can try to use "HTML" object with Formidable Forms [if] conditions inside. It will check if value not empty and will output the data (screenshot 1)


You can try to use "Actions" and "Conditions" and change "Value" depending on other value or detecting if it's empty or not (screenshot 2).

Example working in this way:
If [222] value is 1 then change PDF field value to [123]
if [222] value is 2 then change PDF field value to [124]

If solutions will not fit your needs, please attach some screenshots so we can understand more clearly the task. Thank you.

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