PDF error generating

Formidable Forms Bug Released
28 January, 2021 20:08:54
Topics: 1
Messages: 1
I have a problem, my PDF is not being generated, I try two way:

-First one: I try to send the pdf like an attachment but when de user fills the form it take to long time loading and finally don't send the mail. Show error 500 internal server.

-Second one: I try to send the email with the button of download of PDF, in this case the mail is sent without problem, but when you click on the donwload button, it take too long time loading and finally show a error 500, in this moment I have enable all the options of debug in wordpress and in the plugin, but don't show any error. By the way I change in the PHP.ini some options like:


But nothing works

Here is the url of my form: https://singup.factorplus.net

And here the url of a PDF file: https://singup.factorplus.net/?page=e2pdf-download&uid=1af85bba9d36924e2b7e8c3fd5fc94c4

I hope you can help me. I want to send the PDF like an attachment in the mail without it take too long time in generated the document and send the mail.

Thank you.
29 January, 2021 06:30:35
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

If it's acceptable for you, can you please submit support ticket with access details to WP Admin Dashboard and FTP access details here: https://e2pdf.com/support/request

If not:
- Are you able to View/Preview E2Pdf Template while Template editing?
- Are you able to export data directly via "E2Pdf" -> "Export"
- If you will create another empty E2Pdf Template and will use its shortcode. Will it also generate 500 error?
- Attach please backup of E2Pdf Template to next message. You can mark message "private" so only we can see the message.

We see that 500 error showing after approx 40 seconds, however it can be caused as due timeout (for example nginx have less connection timeout than PHP execution time) / server missconfiguration / plugins conflict, etc.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
4 February, 2021 10:35:44
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
We just released an update 1.13.31 which has issue fixed. It's now used correct shortcode for "lookup" fields which doesn't cause memory leak. You can remap field with "Visual Mapper" or just put shortcode manually inside "select" field "Option" via "Properties":

[e2pdf-frm-lookup-values id="109"]

* where 109 is the Field ID of the current form (as "Value").

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!