PDF from post with custom fields to e-mail

12 March, 2019 19:01:36
Topics: 3
Messages: 6
Hi there,

Although I use Formidable Forms a lot, some clients have been asking me to develop solutions where it wouldn't make sense to use it.

Is it possible to use E2Pdf to generate a PDF when saving a post (with some custom fields) and then send that PDF to an e-mail address specified in one of the post custom fields?
Can I also save that PDF to the server so I can keep an history of all generated PDFs?

Thanks in advance and keep up the amazing work!
12 March, 2019 19:25:24
Topics: 7
Messages: 3420

Unfortunately there is no direct support for generation and sending PDFs when adding new pages/posts, but in theory it's possible to accomplish with custom hooks/actions, php coding and [e2pdf-save] shortcode. Custom fields already supported and can be added inside E2Pdf template with shortcode: [meta key='x'] where x is the key name. More shortcodes that can be used inside E2Pdf WordPress template can be found here.

P.S. Keep in mind please that generating PDFs from posts/pages is still limited as we are still working on system to split content between pages due the "absolute" positions of elements inside E2Pdf Template.

P.P.S. The idea about generation PDFs and sending them via email while creating pages/posts can be useful for other users. Thank you for good idea. We will review it and maybe will include it in our roadmap but when system of splitting content will be ready as it's a bit useless without that functionality.

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