Potential Bugs with Forminator?

Forminator Forms
23 June, 2021 00:08:02
Topics: 2
Messages: 8
Hi there,

It seems we have issues with Forminator forms
- radio buttons are not captured in the PDF
- tick/checkboxes are not captured in the PDF
- name fields are handled incorrectly and so missing vital data

Video demo explainer here:

It's the latest version of Forminator Pro on this website.
Hope you can help resolve this.

23 June, 2021 00:24:31
Topics: 2
Messages: 8
Bah - ignore me.
I believe it is a mapping issue that I didn't realise I had to do, thanks to https://e2pdf.com/extensions/forminator

Working through it now and I shall test after.
23 June, 2021 00:42:15
Topics: 2
Messages: 8
Ok, so I got the names mapped ok.

But the radio buttons and checkboxes, despite me mapping the correct option, for each, it used the same 'ID' for each option within a field. So, I'm not sure how to rectify that.

Radio button was a yes/no choice.
I mapped and selected Yes button for yes, and no for no. The PDF just shows 2 x yes - and in my test where I selected Yes on the form, it did not 'check' the radio button in the PDF itself.
23 June, 2021 06:32:19
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Do you use latest version of Forminator? (1.14.11) as unfortunately we can't replicate any of the issues. If not, keep attention that 1.10.x Forminator Forms version has core changes in saving data, so if you are not using latest version it's highly recommended to update due the issues which can appear after update as it was changed the "checkbox", "radio" data which is saved under entry upon submission: prior to 1.10.x version Forminator saving "values" and starting from 1.10.x - it's saving "labels" which can affect data in PDF, as "Option" must be set to value which is stored in entry: https://e2pdf.com/support/desk/forminator-1-10-x-version-checkbox-radio-select-stopped-working

As about "Radio" and "Checkbox":

As we understand "Radio" and "Checkbox" labels was also mapped to "checkbox" / "radio" shortcodes - however it's incorrect. Labels is just separate "HTML" object and if there used shortcodes - it will print data from entry. Same shortcodes - same data, however you need to map directly "checkbox" and "radio" fields.

Here is some example screenshots how it must be setup:

Screenshot 1 - This is the label which is used near "checkbox" - it must not be mapped unless you need value from entry printed here. If it will be used shortcode as {checkbox-1} - it will render all to same values. Here it's need to set value which you need. You can edit value by "Dbl Click" on it and edit or set "Value" directly via "Right Mouse Click" -> "Properties".

Screenshot 2 - Example setup of 1st checkbox and explanation how it works.
Screenshot 3 - Example of setup of 2nd checkbox

Screenshot 4 - Example setup of 1st "Radio" and explanation
Screenshot 5 - Example setup of 2nd "Radio" and explanation

Here is also some "Video which shows correctly mapping process":

If you will be still unsuccessful, attach please screenshots of 2 mapped radio buttons "Properties", where it will be visible "group", "option", "value" and screenshot of entry for which you try to generate PDF from backend where this "radio" value visible.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
1 July, 2021 23:48:46
Topics: 2
Messages: 8

Sorry for delayed reply.

Yes, I can confirm it is the latest Forminator, as mentioned in my original post.

I'm actually really not sure what shortcodes you are referring to.
The video was a little hard to follow the point of, because there was no voice. Sorry.

But the screenshots helped.

Annoyingly, I believe it is all already correctly set up. I checked the radio buttons and checkboxes. The 'options' are correct, but you can see from my previously uploaded PDF that it is incorrect.

Attached are 2 screenshots from the radio buttons that you requested.
So I am still not sure how to resolve this or what is wrong.

1 July, 2021 23:56:54
Topics: 2
Messages: 8
I re-read what you wrote about
"As we understand "Radio" and "Checkbox" labels was also mapped to "checkbox" / "radio" shortcodes - however it's incorrect. Labels is just separate "HTML" object and if there used shortcodes - it will print data from entry. Same shortcodes - same data, however you need to map directly "checkbox" and "radio" fields."

Then it made more sense.

I have just renamed the label of the radio buttons back to yes/no and checked just the button itself for mapping (which was already correct, as per the screenshots) and tested. Now the radio button part of the PDF is fine.

Sorry, it seems like my user error.
I didn't understand it.

I will try to fix up the checkboxes now and see if that is fine too.
2 July, 2021 00:37:46
Topics: 2
Messages: 8
Right, there were a couple of other minor issues to fix, but I got it sorted.
Thanks for the direction, and sorry to 'accuse' you of a bug! :D