Repeater fields not in PDF

Formidable Forms
13 February, 2020 17:13:02
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
If I use the Repeater fields on a Formidable Form, only the first row appears in the PDF - if the user adds additional rows to enter more information, those rows do not appear on the PDF. How do I fix this?
Thank you!
14 February, 2020 07:00:30
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Hi, 2nd entry can be outputted as [8wbpx1:2], 3rd [8wbpx1:3] and so on, same for other fields, where 8wbpx1 is Field ID or Field Key (Example screenshot 1).

Empty fields can be hidden via "Actions" and "Conditions", by setting "Action" to "Hide" and "Action" to if [8wbpx1:2] = "" on needed fields. (Screenshot 2)

Pages also can be hidden in the same way. Usually it will be enough to check only first repeatable entry on new page if it's empty and hide. (Screenshot 3).

Another solution can be to use "HTML" object, which can split content via pages. It's possible to use formidable forms [foreach] construction as value. (Screenshot 4)

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14 February, 2020 18:39:50
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
Thank you! So the only way to do this is to create our own template? We're using the auto PDF function, so to add these fields, we basically have to recreate the whole thing?
15 February, 2020 07:23:56
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
Unfortunately yes, you will need to edit manually created Auto PDF Template to fit on your needs. We will think maybe on "option" to define how much repeatable fields to generate.

We remain at your service.
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