Show the last few letters of a chosen selection in the mapped field

21 April, 2019 07:19:26
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
In formidable, I have a list of options that the user can select. They are addresses, with various character lengths. They all end with the post code, which is a 4 digit number.
On the end PDF, I want to ONLY show the 4 digit number. Is there a way to show ONLY the last 4 letters of a particular field in the mapped field in the end PDF?
21 April, 2019 08:18:00
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

It's depending on the number and format of "options" that user can select. If it's not a lot of options it's possible to accomplish with "Actions" and "Conditions" by changing "Value" depending on user choice.

Another solution can be to use [e2pdf-format-output] shortcode but it can work only if the nubmer of spaces and format of each options is the same.

If it's possible you can share a screenshot of "Formidable Form" list which is available for select by user so we can find best solution for you.

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21 April, 2019 08:39:10
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Messages: 32
Here is the list - it is quite long, and this option is in a repeater based on conditions set before it.
21 April, 2019 08:49:12
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415
Which field type are you using inside Formidable form? "Select", "Radio" or "Checkbox"?

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21 April, 2019 08:50:54
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
Dropdown. Which I guess is select.
21 April, 2019 09:21:14
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415
There is 2 possible solutions to solve it.

1) Convert Formidable Dropdown to "Use separate values". Set the "Saved value" as needed number and "Label" your current value. Inside Template use:
[575] to output label
[575 show="value"] - to output value.

* If it's inside repeatable section, shorcode will be [575:1] and [575:1 show="value"]

Screenshots attached.

2) To use "output" filter for value and field:
Code can be added to your theme "functions.php":

add_filter('e2pdf_extension_render_shortcodes_value', 'custom_extension_render_shortcodes_value', 10, 5);
function custom_extension_render_shortcodes_value($value, $element_id, $template_id, $item, $dataset) {
if ($element_id && $element_id == '6' && $template_id && $template_id == '160') {
if ($value) {
$data = explode(',', $value);
if (is_array($data)) {
$value = trim(array_pop($data));
return $value;

6 - "E2Pdf" Element ID. You can get it by "Right" mouse click on needed field inside "E2Pdf" Template and copy "ID" value.
160 - is the "E2Pdf" Template ID

Current code will get submitted value, explode it by commas and will replace "Value" with last element of exploded "Value".

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21 April, 2019 10:05:11
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
Interesting - so with option 1, I change the dropdown to separate values. But the issue with this is that some of the values have the same last 4 digits. This is not allowed in separate values.
21 April, 2019 10:22:15
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415
Sorry, didn't notice same values. Yes, you are right.

Value must be unique but in this case you can make them "unique" like 4120a and use "Actions" and "Conditions" to change "Value" on the fly. If [567 show="value"] = 4120a then change value to 4120. But it will be good only if there are not a lot of same values as it will be hard to manage.

Another solution will be to use point 2 as solution.

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22 April, 2019 10:11:30
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
OK, so without having to change the functions.php file, here is another thought. Is there a way to display the field aligned to the right, and then reduce the size of the box to show only the last 4 digits? That way, although all the data is there, it is only displaying the last 4 digits in the output PDF.
22 April, 2019 10:22:22
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415
We already added to our roadmap task to extend functionality of [e2pdf-format-output] shortcode to have possibility to complete your task as it can be useful for other users. So as soon as we add this functionality we will update this thread.

As about align text to right and map field - can be as temporary solution. "Text align" option is available under "Properties" of element. In that case it will be need to use "Input" field (Not HTML).

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22 April, 2019 10:23:27
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
That's great. THANKS!
22 April, 2019 10:52:59
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
I just did some testing. If you want to show the last 4 digits, the easiest way to do it is to map the field, align to the RIGHT, and then close down the box until you isolate the size of the last 4 digits only. Works great
3 July, 2019 12:02:50
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

We just released update (1.08.00) which support now custom "Preg Replace" function which can help to split and output needed data depending on "Pattern". Example of usage is attached on screenshot.

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3 July, 2019 12:45:14
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
Interesting - how does it work. Does it replace the entire pattern with whatever is in the replacement field? Is there a guide on its use somewhere?
3 July, 2019 12:53:27
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415
You can read some documentation here:

From the page:
preg_replace ( mixed $pattern , mixed $replacement , mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int &$count ]] ) : mixed

$pattern - is the "Pattern" field
$replacement - is "Replacement" field
$subject - is "Rendered" value.

In simple words function searches $subject for matches to $pattern and replaces them with $replacement. As an advice for testing you can try using this website:

P.S. Regex can be a bit complex to understand but in same time it's really flexible. Regex below will output last digits from rendered value if it ends with number.

pattern: /.*\s(\d+)$/
replace: ${1}

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